M - Meaningful, Memorable
A - Appreciate, Affirm
Y - Yearn, Yes, YOU!
Welcome to my May posting! If you're like me one day just isn't enough to express my love and appreciation to those women who have influenced or encouraged me. So let's take the month of MAY to celebrate, affirm and appreciate!
Here's a simple gift you can make TODAY that will make someone very thankful you thought of them. Easy to make with your grand children too!

Clear bag, ribbon, tag (craft store)
3 tea bags (individually wrapped)
Chocolates (of course)
Honey straws

Place your honey straws, tea bags and chocolates in your bag. Write a sentiment on your tag and tie to your bag it is that easy.

If you can't find clear bags this would be cute wrapped in a handkerchief, a tea towel or any little bag as well. Lastly if you can't find the honey straws you can put in a small jar of honey.

Here is the Bible verse I attached to my gifts - "She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." Proverbs 31:26