“Our natural desire is to be doing something;
but there are times in our lives
when it’s wiser to wait and just be still.”
Billy Graham
Our reading today takes us to Genesis 40
“While Joseph is in prison he is not alone behind those bars, God is with him. When two new prisoners show up, the king’s cupbearer and the chief baker, they have terrible dreams and want someone to interpret them. Since God is with Joseph, he steps up in confidence and makes it clear that only God can interpret their dreams. The cupbearer’s dream means he’ll be restored to his position in 3 days and Joseph asks him to put in a good word for him. The chief baker’s dream meant he’d be killed in 3 days.
Now, the king’s birthday was in 3 days and everything happens just as Joseph interpreted. Scripture tells us the cupbearer forgets about Joseph, but we can be confident that God hadn’t! People who fail you can’t prevent God’s plan for you.” (Excerpts from The Bible Recap by Tara-Leigh Cobble.)
“Pharaoh threw a big birthday bash for himself. The seemingly insignificant detail of Pharaoh’s birthday shows that God can use even the most commonplace happenings such as birthdays, promotions, holidays, and such to orchestrate His divine plan. While God was interpreting dreams for Joseph in prison, He was also working outside the prison.” (Excerpts from Finding God Faithful by Kelly Minter.)
Pause Bible Verse: “Now it came to pass on the third day, which was Pharaoh’s birthday…” Genesis 40:20
Pause Quote: “People who fail you can’t prevent God’s plan for you.”
Pause Question: What seemingly hopeless situation can you trust He is working in?
Gathering Place
This fall will you celebrate with bushels of new celebrations or baskets of cozy familiar traditions? I find myself delighting in new adventures far and near. Today I will take you to Avila Valley Barn on California’s Central Coast.
From their website: “This year we will have a new hay maze, corn teepees, and more! There is hayrides, feeding the farm animals and our pumpkin patch! The smell of our roasting corn will greet you then be sure to visit the sweet shoppe after lunch at Chef Jesse's Chicken Shack. We are now serving caramel apples on Saturdays and Sundays, and our famous apple cider floats, topped with our homemade cider donuts! Try it with the pumpkin ice cream!”
Check out these wonderful fun fall spots:
I love what Brooke Kinabrew shares, “The Lord created celebrations, reminders, customs, and traditions to teach us about His character and to create reminders for our hearts so as the years passed they would always remember His might, His faithfulness, and where He had led them. We can do just that in our families as well.”
"Wherever your road trip takes you may you
make a harvest of new and wonderful memories!"
(Picture credit, Apple Cider Float courtesy of Avila Valley Barn)
Sweet friend, this was nourishment for my soul today! Thank you for your insight and wisdom. Of course, you got me with those pumpkins too! So looking forward to spending time with you in a few weeks!
Thank you Linda, this was awesome! Be Still and know🙌. Our hope is in Christ alone! Love you,
I absolutely love this
Oh some of your pictures are yummy!