Reading God's Word is not a box to check, this is the air I breathe. When I don't want to read my Bible, I do it anyway and there's always a joy in it for me. Sometimes all I learn is obedience and discipline, that's still good! Every day that you're in God's Word is a win!
-Tara Leigh Cobble

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Although your summer schedule may be different from the rest of the year it doesn't mean you need to take a detour from being in the Word. Try these little side trips through selected areas in the Bible. Read at your own pace and enjoy!
The scenery is nice... but it's the company that matters. As you embark on the greatest adventure of your life, may you know His companionship.
- David Jeremiah.
Some Summer Time Reading Suggestions:
Enjoy these summaries of selected books of the Bible taken from Highway 66,
by Jeff Lasseigne
Postcards from the Psalms
"C.H. Spurgeon's greatest written work was undoubtedly The Treasury of David, his extensive commentary on the book of Psalms, which took him over 20 years to research and write. After completing it, Spurgeon said, 'A tinge of sadness is on my spirit as I quit The Treasury of David, never to find on this earth a richer storehouse... Blessed have been the days spent in meditating, mourning, hoping, believing, and exulting David.'"
Unpack the Gospels
No gospel is more instructive to those who are the Lord's disciples and who are called to represent Him in the world. The lessons on discipleship are life-changing for the reader, as they were for the eleven who were Jesus' first followers.
- John F. MacArthur Jr.
The gospel emphasizes what Jesus did rather than what He said.
- Charles C. Ryrie
There is no gospel which more shows the mind and love of God than this of Luke. None is more truly and evidently inspired. Nevertheless there is none so deeply marked by traces of the human hand and heart.
- William Kelly
The Gospel of John is the most influential Book that has ever come from the pen of any man.
- Philip Schaff
Sail Through Acts
The story of the church and Paul's life which unfolds in the Acts of the Apostles is one of the most fascinating stories of the Bible.
- Roy G. Turnball
Explore Ephesians
Ephesians - carefully, reverently, prayerfully considered - will change our lives. It is not so much a question of what we will do with the epistle, but what it will do with us.
- R. Kent Hughes
Explore My Favorite Bible App
I use this App everyday, I think you will too! "One of the best Bible Apps for reading, listening to, watching, and sharing the Bible - completely free. YouVersion includes hundreds of Bible versions and hundreds of reading plans. You can add your own highlights and bookmarks, and public or private notes."
There is also a kids YouVersion Bible App. We love it!
Stopping For Directions - Ways To Read The Bible More
We all want to read the Bible more, but in a busy, distracted world it can be difficult.Try some of these ideas:
Keep a Bible in your car and read a bit when you arrive somewhere early.
Download the Bible app on your phone and read a passage sometimes instead of scrolling through social media.
Set your alarm five minutes earlier and read in the morning.
Shared by Calvary Chapel Golden Springs
He who has the Holy Spirit in His heart, and the Holy Scriptures in his hands, has all that he needs.
- Alexander Maclaren