by Adina Bailey
Care packages
I recently heard of some friends who put together a care basket for a young mom who lost her baby. Her meal schedule was full for weeks, so that piece was covered. In the care basket, her friends included a gift card for a massage, a cross-stitch with the baby's name, and books written specifically for grieving mothers. One friend coordinated the effort and the others dropped off their contributions for the basket.
Card schedules
One way to rally around a friend who has lost a loved one or is going through a tough time is by creating a card schedule on Instead of signing up to bring a meal, friends sign up to send a card, text or email. You can explain the purpose of the schedule in the note section and even include the recipient's address. The recipient doesn't need to know about the card schedule, but instead, she can enjoy the messages arriving at regular intervals over weeks or even months.
Prayer schedules
For a friend who would be encouraged knowing others are praying, you can use to create a prayer schedule. Just like the card schedule mentioned above, you can list prayer requests and updates in the notes. Friends sign up to pray on a specific day.