(photo credit - French Country Cottage)
“During your journey you’ll ramble and roam. But sooner or later, you’ll long for your home.”
Wherever You Go by Pat Zietlow Miller
As refreshing as it is to see the gentle brushstrokes of the Lord in the landscapes, people and adventures as we travel, our thoughts eventually return to the comforts of home. So settle in as we GATHER IN!
"Remember His marvelous works which He has done..."
I Chronicles 16:12
"The Lord created celebrations, reminders, customs, and traditions to teach His children about His character and to create reminders for their hearts so as the years passed they would always remember His might, His faithfulness, and where He had led them. We can do just that in our families as well."
Brooke Kinabrew
Traditions, I don't know why but they bring me comfort. We intentionally create and continue traditions because they provide a sense of belonging and meaning to our lives. Family traditions give us a feeling of connectedness and they ground us. Whether it's Grandma's famous macaroni salad or my husband's amazing turkey, stuffing and gravy my heart is full when we're all together gathered around the table.
Each Thanksgiving I would make a list of those who would be joining us and what they'd be bringing for dinner. Through some unintentional scribblings on my kitchen notepads over the years I have a journal of sorts, a timeline of who joined us for Thanksgiving and what they brought. For some reason I just began putting them in the back of my recipe box instead of tossing them and now I treasure them. Also each year I pull out place cards that our daughter had written Bible verses on and put at each place setting one Thanksgiving. All these years later I love seeing her handwriting! And one year I set out a guest book for all to sign. Now it holds years and years of well wishes and thanks from family and friends... treasures... traditions.
For some of you the holidays will never look the same, for others we will add a few more chairs and welcome new family and friends. Whatever it looks like trust there will be joy in the gathering as old traditions are enjoyed and new ones are made!
I love the perspective on Joseph. When one is in the middle of suffering, it is difficult to see clearly the outcome and benefits. This is a beautiful story of the faithfulness of God and His provision through it all.
I, too, do love the family traditions that have carried us through the seasons, year after year! We are in a different season right now and beginning some new ideas that will, hopefully, become traditions. Thanks again for all your hard work on your blog. It blesses my heart!
Thank you, Linda, for sharing this, and lifting us all UP, with your encouraging scriptures and bringing Christ's Love to each of us! Jesus shines through you so much, that, even reading this I have to wear sunglasses!😎❤ I love you, and gathering with you is such a blessing!