What better time to celebrate God's gift of love to us then Valentine's Day? It's not just for those who are married or have sweethearts; let's celebrate our selfless and supportive moms, spectacular daughters, sweet sisters and our sensational girlfriends!
I John 4:19 tells us "We love because He first loved us." This verse helps us share His love because He has filled us to overflowing with His love. It means we should extend His love to strangers and acquaintances. It means we should reach out to those difficult people in our lives, people who s-t-r-e-t-c-h us!
Give this a try: make a list of five people you would like to send the cutest and most adorable Valentine to - go ahead just jot those names down. Now, set that list aside and write down five more names who might not be getting a hug or hello at all this Valentine's Day. What an opportunity we have to extend our hand, a meal, some cookies, a call, a letter, or a shared afternoon to someone. Need some creative ideas for special gifts? Keep reading!
I have instructions for an adorable Valentine’s Day Postcard you can make, and I’ve gathered together some great recipes for some sweet treats like Meringue Sweethearts, Rice Krispies Friendship Cookies, Lasso A Heart Cowboy Cookies, & more!